Pointer to a Pointer(Double Pointer)

Pointers are used to store the address of other variables of similar datatype. But if you want to store the address of a pointer variable, then you again need a pointer to store it. Thus, when one pointer variable stores the address of another pointer variable, it is known as Pointer to Pointer variable or Double Pointer.


int **p1;

Here, we have used two indirection operator(*) which stores and points to the address of a pointer variable i.e, int *. If we want to store the address of this (double pointer) variable p1, then the syntax would become:

int ***p2

Simple program to represent Pointer to a Pointer

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

    int  a = 10;
    int  *p1;       //this can store the address of variable a
    int  **p2; 
        this can store the address of pointer variable p1 only. 
        It cannot store the address of variable 'a' 

    p1 = &a;
    p2 = &p1;

    printf("Address of a = %u\n", &a);
    printf("Address of p1 = %u\n", &p1);
    printf("Address of p2 = %u\n\n", &p2);

    // below print statement will give the address of 'a'
    printf("Value at the address stored by p2 = %u\n", *p2);
    printf("Value at the address stored by p1 = %d\n\n", *p1);

    printf("Value of **p2 = %d\n", **p2); //read this *(*p2)

        This is not allowed, it will give a compile time error-
        p2 = &a;
        printf("%u", p2);
    return 0;

Address of a = 2686724 Address of p1 = 2686728 Address of p2 = 2686732 Value at the address stored by p2 = 2686724 Value at the address stored by p1 = 10 Value of **p2 = 10

Explanation of the above program

Pointer to a Pointer